This item is certified authentic by Todd Mueller and comes with their Certificate of Authenticity. (December 18, 1916 - July 2, 1973) was an American actress. S top 10 box office stars a feat only matched by. Although all were surpassed by.
Who was in for 13 times. Grable began her film career in 1929 at age 12, after which she was fired from a contract when it was learned she signed up under false identification.
During the 1930s, and appeared in a string of. Grable came to prominence in the Broadway musical. (1939), which brought her to the attention of. (1940), her first major Hollywood film, and became Fox's biggest film star throughout the next decade. Fox cast Grable in a succession of. Musicals during the decade that were immensely popular, co-starring with such leading men as. In 1943, she was the number-one box office draw in the world and, in 1947, she was the highest-paid entertainer in the United States.Two of her biggest film successes were the musical. How to Marry a Millionaire. (1953), one of her last films.
Grable retired from screen acting in 1955 after she withdrew from her Fox contract, although she continued to perform on the stage and on television. Throughout her career, Grable was a celebrated. Her bathing suit poster made her the number-one pin-up girl of. It was later included in the. Magazine project "100 Photographs That Changed the World".
Hosiery specialists of the era often noted the ideal proportions of her legs and thighs 18.5 in (47 cm), calf 12 in (30 cm), and ankle 7.5 in (19 cm). Describing her film career, Grable said I became a star for two reasons, and I'm standing on them.