In his later years, Allen was the first host of. (born October 3, 1951) is an American former.
He is the special assistant to the executive director of the. Major League Baseball Players Association.
Over his 22-year career, he played for six teams: the. He had the winning hit in the. With the Blue Jays over the. 31 while playing for the Yankees and Indians and wore No. 32 with the Angels, Blue Jays and Twins.
Named him the third-best all-around. Of all time in any sport. He is a member of both the. College Baseball Hall of Fame. (born October 9, 1940) is a former. Who played the bulk of his career for the. He also played several seasons with the.And had short stints with the. During his time with the Yankees, Pepitone was thrice-named to play in the. (born December 19, 1962) is an American former professional baseball.