Two months after his death in 1988, he. Was honored at the GCNA Congress in Berkeley, where he had planned to play one. Of his works for carillon.
From Moldenhauer Archives: Johan Henri Gustave. Franco was born in Zaandam, Netherlands on July 12, 1908. Franco, and artist, Margaretha Gosschalk, who was also a singer and pianist.
Johan began improvising on the piano at age four. When he was ten and a. Dutch composer Willem Pijper for five years. During this same time period he. Studied law at the University of Amsterdam and then architecture and furniture. Design at Instituut voor Kunstnijverheidsonderwijs Amsterdam. Premiered in Rotterdam in 1934. Franco arrived in the United. States in 1934, and for fourteen years he lived in New York City. War II he served in the United States Army, and later in the Air Force.Eloise Bauder Lavrischeff, an author and poet, and the mother of John T. Lavrischeff, were married in Washington, D. Settled in Virginia Beach, and lived there until his death on April 14, 1988.