Role in the discovery of the. (AIDS) and in the development of the. HIV blood test, and he has been a major contributor to subsequent HIV research. Gallo is the director and co-founder of the.
Of Maryland School of Medicine. Established in 1996 in a partnership including the State of Maryland and the. In November 2011, Gallo was named the first Homer &. Martha Gudelsky Distinguished Professor in Medicine. Gallo is also a co-founder.
Of biotechnology company Profectus BioSciences, Inc. For Scientific Information, and he was ranked third in the world for scientific.
He has published over 1,300 papers. A working-class family of Italian descent.Became a researcher at the. Where he worked for 30 years, mainly as head of the Laboratory of Tumor Cell. May 4, 1984, Gallo and his collaborators published a series of four papers in. Demonstrating that a retrovirus they had. Isolated, called HTLV-III in the belief that the virus was related to the.
Leukemia viruses of Gallo's earlier work, was the cause of AIDS. Had published a paper in.
1983, describing a retrovirus they called LAV lymphadenopathy associated. Virus, isolated from a patient at risk for AIDS. His second Lasker Award in 1986 for determining that the retrovirus now. Known as HIV-1 is the cause of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome. He is the only recipient of two Lasker Awards. Gallo, Dharam Ablashi, and Syed Zaki Salahuddin discovered human herpesvirus 6. (HHV-6), later found to cause Roseola infantum, an infantile disease. At Vatican City on HIV/AIDS, Gallo promised. Attendees that there would be an effective vaccine by 1992. Of controversy surrounding a 1987 out of court settlement between the National. Institutes of Health and France's Pasteur Institute, Gallo admitted the virus. He claimed to have discovered in 1984 was in reality a virus sent to him from. France the year before, putting an end to a six-year effort by Gallo and his. Employer, the National Institutes of Health, to claim the AIDS virus as an. In 1995, Gallo with his colleagues Paolo. Lusso and Fiorenza Cocchi published their discovery that chemokines, a class of. Naturally occurring compounds, are potent and specific HIV inhibitors. Discovery was heralded by Science magazine as one of the top scientific.The role chemokines play in controlling the. Progression of HIV infection has influenced thinking on how AIDS works against. The human immune system and led to a class of drugs used to treat HIV. And helped (conceptually) in the advances. That led to the discovery of the cell co-receptor for HIV infection, because.
This is the molecule the HIV inhibitory molecules bind. Gallo's team at the institute maintain an. Ongoing program of scientific research and clinical care and treatment for. People living with HIV/AIDS, treating more than 5,000 patients in Baltimore and. 500,000 patients at institute-supported clinics in Africa and the Caribbean.For research into a preventive vaccine for HIV/AIDS. Consortium of funding sources to support the next phase of research into the. Institute of Human Virology's (IHV) promising HIV/AIDS preventive vaccine. Military HIV Research Program (MHRP), and other research funding from a variety. Of sources including the U.
National Institutes of Health (NIH).