"Astrophysicists" Donald Menzel Hand Signed 3X5 Card. December 14, 1976 was one of the first theoretical astronomers and astrophysicists in the United States. Physical properties of the solar chromosphere, the chemistry of stars, the atmosphere of Mars. And the nature of gaseous nebulae.
The minor planet 1967 Menzel was named in his honor, as well as a. In the southeast of Mare Tranquilitatis, the Sea of Tranquility.
1901 and raised in Leadville, he learned to. Read very early, and soon could send and receive messages in Morse code, taught by his father. Mathematics, collected ore and rock specimens, and as a teenager he built a. Large chemistry laboratory in the cellar. He made a radio transmitter at a time. When kits were rarely available and qualified as a radio ham. He was an Eagle Scout.Specializing in cryptanalysis, as well as. An outdoorsman, hiking and fly fishing throughout much of his life.
Florence Elizabeth Kreager on June 17, 1926 and had two daughters Suzanne Kay. At 16, he enrolled in the University of Denver to. His interest in astronomy was aroused through a. Boyhood friend (Edgar Kettering), through observing the solar eclipse of June 8. 1918, and through observing the eruption of Nova Aquilae 1918 (V603 Aquilae).
He graduated from the University of Denver in. 1920 with a degree in chemistry and a master's degree in chemistry and. He also found summer positions in 1922, 1923, and 1924 as. Research assistant to Harlow Shapley at the Harvard College.
Acquired a second master's degree in astronomy in 1923, and in 1924 a Ph. Astrophysics for which his advisor was Henry Norris Russell, who. Inspired his interest in theoretical astronomy.After teaching two years at. The University of Iowa and Ohio State University, in.
1926 he was appointed assistant Professor at Lick Observatory in San Jose CA, where he worked for. In 1932 he moved to Harvard. During World War II Menzel was asked to join the Navy as Lieutenant. Commander, to head a division of intelligence, where he used his. Many-sided talents, including deciphering enemy codes.
Worked with the Navy improving radio-wave propagation by tracking the Sun's. Emissions and studying the effect of the aurora on radio propagation for the. Department of Defense Menzel & Boyd, p. Returning to Harvard after the war, he was. Appointed acting director of the Harvard Observatory in.1952, and was the full director from 1954 to 1966. Gap was used to refer to the absence of astronomical photographic plates during. A brief period in the 1950s when plate-making operations were temporarily. Halted by Menzel as a cost-cutting measure.
He retired from Harvard in 1971. His death, Menzel was a U.
Degrees from Harvard University in 1942 and. The University of Denver in 1954 respectively. President of the American Astronomical. Was given the John Evans Award of the University of Denver. Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics hosted Donald H. Scientist, Educator, Builder, a symposium in honor of the 100th. Anniversary of the birth of Donald H. Expeditions to view solar eclipses to. On 19 June 1936, he led the Harvard-MIT expedition to. The steppes of Russia (at Ak Bulak in southwestern Siberia) to observe a total. For the 9 July 1945 eclipse, he directed the Joint U. Expedition to Saskatchewan, although they were clouded out. Many total solar eclipses, often leading the expeditions, including Catalina, California 10. September 1923, cloudy, Camptonville, California 28.April 1930, Fryeburg, Maine 31. Minnesota (30 June 1954), the Atlantic coast of Massachusetts (2 October 1959), northern Italy 15. February 1951, Orono, Maine 20 July. 1963, cloudy, Athens/Sunion Road, Greece (20 May 1966), Arequipa, Peru (12 November 1966), Miahuatlan, south of Oaxaca, Mexico (7 March 1970), Prince Edward Island Canada (10 July 1972), and western Mauritania (30 June 1973), in addition to the other three.
He proudly held the informal record for. Greatest number of observed solar eclipses, a "title" later broken by. His student, colleague, and co-author Jay Pasachoff.In the late 1930s he built an observatory for. Solar research at Climax, CO, using a. Telescope that mimicked a total eclipse of the sun. Allowing him and his colleagues to study the solar corona and to film the spouting flames.
Menzel initially performed solar research, but later concentrated on. His work with Lawrence Aller and James Gilbert Baker defined.
Many of the fundamental principles of the study of planetary nebulae. He wrote the first edition (1964) of A. Field Guide to the Stars and Planets, part of the Peterson Field. In one of his last papers, Menzel concluded, based on his analysis of the. Schwarzschild equations, that black holes do not exist, and he declared them to be a. He also believed in the EPH (exploded planet hypothesis), stating. Presque toutes ces petites planètes circulent entre les orbites de Mars et. On admet qu'elles représentent les fragments dispersés d'une grande. Planète qui se serait désintégrée. Menzel was a science fiction. Author; his "Fin's Funeral" appeared in Galaxy Science Fiction in.He was also an artist, creating watercolor. Paintings of alien creatures and scenes which often featured 3-dimensional.
"Holes" though characters, clouds, and alien spaceships.