1965 and 1998 where he initiated the kidney transplant program. Much of his subsequent work has been concerned with the. Aimed at prolonging the life of liver transplant recipients.
The Yoah Ghim Professor of Surgery at the. He was elected to the Royal Society in 1974, and was. Cameron Prize for Therapeutics of the University of Edinburgh. He was awarded the 1984. For his contributions to surgical science.
Corresponding Lister Oration, given at the. College of Surgeons of England. Was delivered on 21 May 1985, and. Was titled'Organ transplantation: from laboratory to clinic'. In 1990 he received the.In 2012, Calne shared the prestigious. The development of liver transplantation, which has restored normal life to. Thousands of patients with end-stage liver disease. And he is an Honorary Vice-President of.